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William Shakespeare
"Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?-Explain
These are Macbeth's frightful words, after Duncan's murder in the Act2 Sc2 of shakespeare's remarkable tragedy, Macbeth.
After murdering Duncan, Macbeth has come out of his chamber , with his hand all bloody. He refuses to go again to leave the dagger there, rather stares at his blood-stained hands. His eyes are glued to his hands. The sights of the ghostly hands would, as it were, pull out his eyes from their sockets. He looks aghast anguished. He wanders wheather all the waters of the vast seas can never wash his hands clean again. On the contrary, the blood in his hand may turn to the seas red.
Macbeth feels afraid even to think of what he has done. His conscience begins to stir in him terribly. His eyes seem to be haunted with the bloody colour of his hand. In his oppressed mental state, he fears that the blood of his hand can never be washed out. With a sense of despair he feels that even the water of the vast green ocean over which the great Neptune, the sea-god, presides will no be enough to wash these stain of blood from his hand to make it clean once again. Even he is afraid that the blood on his hand will redden all the water to be found on the surface of the globe.
This line show that a sense of guilt is now weighing heavily upon Macbeth's mind. Indeed, he feels oppressed by this sense of guilt. His conscience rebukes him for what he has done. Once again we see Macbeth's power of exprwasing himself in a most vivid manner. This line thus shows the pictorial imagination of Macbeth. This line supposed to have been inspired by Seneca's lines in Phaedra:
"Not Neptune, grandshire grave will all his ocean folding flood, can purge and wash away/ This dunghill of foul strain."
But the superb poetry of these lines is of Shakespeare.
After murdering Duncan, Macbeth has come out of his chamber , with his hand all bloody. He refuses to go again to leave the dagger there, rather stares at his blood-stained hands. His eyes are glued to his hands. The sights of the ghostly hands would, as it were, pull out his eyes from their sockets. He looks aghast anguished. He wanders wheather all the waters of the vast seas can never wash his hands clean again. On the contrary, the blood in his hand may turn to the seas red.
Macbeth feels afraid even to think of what he has done. His conscience begins to stir in him terribly. His eyes seem to be haunted with the bloody colour of his hand. In his oppressed mental state, he fears that the blood of his hand can never be washed out. With a sense of despair he feels that even the water of the vast green ocean over which the great Neptune, the sea-god, presides will no be enough to wash these stain of blood from his hand to make it clean once again. Even he is afraid that the blood on his hand will redden all the water to be found on the surface of the globe.
This line show that a sense of guilt is now weighing heavily upon Macbeth's mind. Indeed, he feels oppressed by this sense of guilt. His conscience rebukes him for what he has done. Once again we see Macbeth's power of exprwasing himself in a most vivid manner. This line thus shows the pictorial imagination of Macbeth. This line supposed to have been inspired by Seneca's lines in Phaedra:
"Not Neptune, grandshire grave will all his ocean folding flood, can purge and wash away/ This dunghill of foul strain."
But the superb poetry of these lines is of Shakespeare.
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