Comment on the reference of 'Diana'.

In Edward 2 by Christopher Marlowe, the reference of Diana is used by Gaveston, the beloved of the King Edward 2.

       He makes the plan to entertain the king, Edward 2, before Gavestone's meeting with the king. He has already chosen to use ' wanton poets, ' musicians, and many others to make the king happy.

        He will also present a beautiful kid dressed as Diana, the chastity goddess, bathing in a pond. His hair will fill the water with a golden color. The kid will flaunt pearl bracelets on his bare arms and hold in his playful hands an olive branch to conceal his private parts that licentious people like to see. A person standing nearby will peep through the trees like Actaeon when he bathes in the stream. And like Diana, the kid also gets upset and the guy runs like a deer, suggesting that the boy turns him into a deer, and then it will be shown that his own hounds kill the deer. Such a scene is greatly pleasing to the king.

      Here Edward 2 and Gaveston's homosexual relationship re-emphasized as Gaveston likes to dress a kid like Diana though she was a goddess. People of the Renaissance were very interested in literature in Greek and Latin. Gaveston therefore borrows from mythology the tale of the Diana. And here the king's taste is expressed.
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