Comment briefly on the title of the poem "No Second Troy".

In the very title "No Second Troy", the name 'Troy' reminds us of Helen, the paragon of beauty in Greek epics and mythology, who is considered to be the most beautiful woman of the world. As we all know Paris, the Trojan Prince carried her off to Troy and the Greek sent a military force to pursue them. And the result is the destructive Trojan War. At the Trojan War's end, Helen returned to Sparta but Troy was destructed. So, Helen was the reason behind the destruction of Troy.

           In the present poem, the poet, Yeats' beloved Maid Gonne, a beautycomparable to Helen may become the reason behind the ruin of Ireland and many precious lives. The three words of the title, 'no', 'second', 'Troy' are very much significant. As Helen's elopement led to the destructive war between Greece and Troy, similarly Maud Gonne caused havoc by her revolutionary zeal. She taught the common Irish people to revoult against the higher authority and aristrocasy.

              Actually the poet suggests that Maud Gonne, like Helen may bring the decay of Ireland and common Irish people. But he does not want this from the core of his heart. So he uses the negation and the very name of the city 'Troy'. The title shows the entire theme of the poem very vividly. And from this point of view, the title is very much appropriate and significant.
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