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Comment briefly on the title of the poem-"Futility"
Comment briefly on the title of the poem -"Futility"
Wilfred Owen is a soldier poet who always protests against the false show and callousness of those who are in power and his mind is full of pity of those young soldiers who are killed or maimed forever. "Futility" is a poem where the poet makes a revoult against the hollowness of the war.
The word 'futility' means failure or fatuous. Here the poet shows the failure of the sun, the creator who creates this entire world and protects it for a long time. The poet shows the brutality of the war through a picture of a dead soldier. The sun who always used to awake him up, now cannot arise him. The poet asserts that the sun is only one who knows the way of giving life to anyone -
"If anything might rouse him now
The kind old sun will know."
The war makes the sun's attempt to rise the dead soldier futile. The toil of the sunbeams is fruitless by the war. Through the whole poem, the failure of the sun is emphasized. So we can say that the title is apt and significant.
The word 'futility' means failure or fatuous. Here the poet shows the failure of the sun, the creator who creates this entire world and protects it for a long time. The poet shows the brutality of the war through a picture of a dead soldier. The sun who always used to awake him up, now cannot arise him. The poet asserts that the sun is only one who knows the way of giving life to anyone -
"If anything might rouse him now
The kind old sun will know."
The war makes the sun's attempt to rise the dead soldier futile. The toil of the sunbeams is fruitless by the war. Through the whole poem, the failure of the sun is emphasized. So we can say that the title is apt and significant.
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