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Write a short note on More's "Utopia".
Write a short note on More's "Utopia".
Thomas More (1478-1535), a noted lawyer as well as a member of parliament, a gifted scholar and a humanist write "Utopia" in 1516 in Latin language. It is translated in English in 1551 by Ralph Robinson.
"Utopia", one of the first books which has a great influence in the development of English literature, is the most influential work in the Renaissance literature. The framework of the "Utopia" is inspired by the tales of the Portuguese and Spanish discoveries of New islands. More's "Utopia" has a new social order and a humanitarian outlook.
The ideal social order is the main theme of the writing. The Utopians live in friendship and amity. There is no private property in Utopia. Was and the spirit of medieval chivalry are strongly prohibited. Equality is the main ideal of their social living. Agriculture is the most important occupation for all the people. Humanism and liberalism are the basic points of the Utopian order, as conceived by More. The form of the writing is influenced by the accounts of the explorer Amerigo Vespucci, printed in 1507.
The romantic imagination and the humanitarian idealism of Renaissance literature are found prompted by the "Utopia" which is found to be distinct product of the classical Renaissance. More's "Utopia" influences Shakespeare in his writing of "The Tempest" where Gonzolo gives the idea of the ideal commonwealth. The "Utopia" emphasised the importance of individual men, apart from their social rank of power. "Utopia" in its general conception owes much to Plato's "The Republic" and it embodies the ideals of New Learning. "Utopia" is, thus, rightly called the first literary monument of modern socialism.
"Utopia", one of the first books which has a great influence in the development of English literature, is the most influential work in the Renaissance literature. The framework of the "Utopia" is inspired by the tales of the Portuguese and Spanish discoveries of New islands. More's "Utopia" has a new social order and a humanitarian outlook.
The ideal social order is the main theme of the writing. The Utopians live in friendship and amity. There is no private property in Utopia. Was and the spirit of medieval chivalry are strongly prohibited. Equality is the main ideal of their social living. Agriculture is the most important occupation for all the people. Humanism and liberalism are the basic points of the Utopian order, as conceived by More. The form of the writing is influenced by the accounts of the explorer Amerigo Vespucci, printed in 1507.
The romantic imagination and the humanitarian idealism of Renaissance literature are found prompted by the "Utopia" which is found to be distinct product of the classical Renaissance. More's "Utopia" influences Shakespeare in his writing of "The Tempest" where Gonzolo gives the idea of the ideal commonwealth. The "Utopia" emphasised the importance of individual men, apart from their social rank of power. "Utopia" in its general conception owes much to Plato's "The Republic" and it embodies the ideals of New Learning. "Utopia" is, thus, rightly called the first literary monument of modern socialism.
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