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Alexander Pope
The Rape of The Lock
"The hungry judges...the toilet cease"-Explain
The Rape of the Lock is a poem of an altogether taste.It is a mock heroic poem, that is a poem cast in the form of an epic with all its conventional props, but satirical in content and spirit. These lines are also the symbols of satire.
The author here makes fun of judges, jurymen, merchants and aristocratic ladies. As the closing time of the courts approaches, the judges and jurymen begin to feel hungry. The judges hurriedly sign the judgements which they have to give against the accused persons. The members of the jury being, in a hurry to leave the court in order to take their dinner, return a verdict of guilty against the accused without discussing the evidence given by witnesses. The members of the jury are more devised to take their dinner in time than to do justice to the accused who are on trial. The traders and merchants leave the Stock Exchange after their febrile transactions during the day and get some peace at last. The aristocratic ladies who have been busy for several hours beautifying themselves with cosmetics and dressing themselves for dinner at last and their labours.
Through these lines the author has made fun of judges and juries who, near the dinner hour, perform their duties in a most casual and shallow manner. Here Pope makes fun of the merchants who spend the whole day trying to make money. And he also makes fun of the aristocratic ladies who apend several hours before the mirror, getting ready for dinner parties.
The author here makes fun of judges, jurymen, merchants and aristocratic ladies. As the closing time of the courts approaches, the judges and jurymen begin to feel hungry. The judges hurriedly sign the judgements which they have to give against the accused persons. The members of the jury being, in a hurry to leave the court in order to take their dinner, return a verdict of guilty against the accused without discussing the evidence given by witnesses. The members of the jury are more devised to take their dinner in time than to do justice to the accused who are on trial. The traders and merchants leave the Stock Exchange after their febrile transactions during the day and get some peace at last. The aristocratic ladies who have been busy for several hours beautifying themselves with cosmetics and dressing themselves for dinner at last and their labours.
Through these lines the author has made fun of judges and juries who, near the dinner hour, perform their duties in a most casual and shallow manner. Here Pope makes fun of the merchants who spend the whole day trying to make money. And he also makes fun of the aristocratic ladies who apend several hours before the mirror, getting ready for dinner parties.
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