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and there isn't anything more the sea can do to me...- Explain
Riders to the Sea
They're all gone now, and there isn't anything more the sea can do to me...- Explain.
This line is taken from J.M.Synge's famous play Riders to the Sea. This line is spoken by Maurya, the main protagonist of this play.
Maurya has already had the foreboding and now she broods over Bartley's death. She does not know that Bartley has died, but from her premonition utters these words. Maurya's words reflect a resignation that the sea cannot bring her any more grief. But there is also an undertone of defiance that the sea has done its worst and will not be able to do anything further. The relentless power of fate of which the sea seems to be an agent must stop here.
Maurya has already had the foreboding and now she broods over Bartley's death. She does not know that Bartley has died, but from her premonition utters these words. Maurya's words reflect a resignation that the sea cannot bring her any more grief. But there is also an undertone of defiance that the sea has done its worst and will not be able to do anything further. The relentless power of fate of which the sea seems to be an agent must stop here.
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incredible explaination