At a glance: Hardy's all principal works with year.

A. Novels:
       1. Desperate Remedies (1871)
       2. Under the Greenwood Tree (1872)
       3. A Pair of Blue Eyes (1873)
       4. Far from the Madding Crowd (1874)
       5. The Hand of Ethelberta (1876)
       6. The Return of the Native (1878)
       7. The Trumpet Major (1880)
       8. A Laodicean (1881)
       9. Two on a Tower (1882)
      10. The Mayor of Castebridge (1886)
      11. The Woodlanders (1887)
      12. Tess of the D'Urbervilles (1891)
      13. The Well- Beloved (1892)
      14. Jude the Obscure (1895)

B. Volumes Of Short Stories:
      1. Wessex Tales (1888)
      2. A Group of Noble Dames (1891)
      3. Life's Little Ironies (1894)

C. Poetry:
       1. Time's Laughing Stocks (1909)
       2. Satires of Circumstances (1914)
       3. Moments of Vision (1917)
       4. Human Shows, Far Phantacies (1925)

D. Epic poem:
        "The Dynasts"(1903-1908).
      ----- It represents in dramatic form the course of Napoleonic Wars from 1805 to 1815.
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