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class 12
Strong Roots
Long questions and answers for class 12 from "Strong Roots".
Strong Roots
A.P.J Abdul Kalam
1) "despite these disadvantages...innate wisdom..."- Who is 'he' referred to here? What were the disadvantages of the person spoken to? And what were the advantages received from the person spoken to?
Ans: ★ Here 'he' refers to Kalam's father Jainulabdeen.
★Kalam said that his father, Jainulabdeen, had no formal education. He was not also a man of rich wealth. These were supposed to be the disadvantages of his father.
★Jainulabdeen was a man of extraordinery wisdom. He was a man of generous thinking. He had an ideal helpmate in Kalam's mother. He was dutiful to every member of his family. Due to economic limitations, he avoided all inessential comforts and luxeriesin life. Yet, he provided everyone all the necessities, like food, medicine and clothing. These were the advantages received by Kalam's family from his father.
2) "One of the most vivid memories, of my early childhood is of the two men"- Who were the 'two men' referred to here? How were the two men related? What did they discuss? What impression do you form of them from their discussion?
★The 'two men' referred to here were Pakshi Lakahmana Sastry and Jainulabdeen.
★Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry was the high priest of Rameswaram temple. He was a very close friend of Jainulabdeen, Kalam's father. In this way, they were related.
★Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry and Jainulabdeem discussed spiritual matters according to their capacity.
★ I think Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry and Kalam's father discussed spiritual matters in free, open, friendly and pleasant atmosphere.They did not believe in division of man based on cast, creed and community. Religion to them was a wider range where thoughts and ideas of people found expression irrespective of diversity.
3) "Adversity always presents opportunities for introspections"- Who said this and to whom? How did the speaker's attitude to adversity influence the person spoken to?
★Kalam's father said this to him.
★Kalam had deep affection and respect for his father. According to Kalam's father, when troubles come, we should neither hold God responsible for it, nor should we get afraid of the suffering. We should keep our head and must try to understand the relevance of our sufferings. When adversity appears before us, we should not be hopeless. We should find a way out with our sincere thoughts, sense of reason and deep feeling as adversity always presents opportunities for introspection.
4) "His answer filled me with a strange energy and enthusiasm"- Whose answer is referred to here? Who was filled with a strange energy and enthusiasm? What was the answer given by the person spoken to?
★The answer of Kalam's father is referred to here.
★ Kalam's father answered in a low, deep voice.
★ Boy Kalam was filled with a strange energy.
★Kalam wanted to know from his father why he did not say to the people coming to him for help and advice that there was nothing mysterious about praher. His father answered that every recurrent anguish, longing and desire finds its own helper. And he only played the role of that helper to appease people's demonic forces with offerings and prayers. He merely wanted to give them nothing but mental strength. Hearing the answer, Kalam was filled with wonder.
A.P.J Abdul Kalam
1) "despite these disadvantages...innate wisdom..."- Who is 'he' referred to here? What were the disadvantages of the person spoken to? And what were the advantages received from the person spoken to?
Ans: ★ Here 'he' refers to Kalam's father Jainulabdeen.
★Kalam said that his father, Jainulabdeen, had no formal education. He was not also a man of rich wealth. These were supposed to be the disadvantages of his father.
★Jainulabdeen was a man of extraordinery wisdom. He was a man of generous thinking. He had an ideal helpmate in Kalam's mother. He was dutiful to every member of his family. Due to economic limitations, he avoided all inessential comforts and luxeriesin life. Yet, he provided everyone all the necessities, like food, medicine and clothing. These were the advantages received by Kalam's family from his father.
2) "One of the most vivid memories, of my early childhood is of the two men"- Who were the 'two men' referred to here? How were the two men related? What did they discuss? What impression do you form of them from their discussion?
★The 'two men' referred to here were Pakshi Lakahmana Sastry and Jainulabdeen.
★Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry was the high priest of Rameswaram temple. He was a very close friend of Jainulabdeen, Kalam's father. In this way, they were related.
★Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry and Jainulabdeem discussed spiritual matters according to their capacity.
★ I think Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry and Kalam's father discussed spiritual matters in free, open, friendly and pleasant atmosphere.They did not believe in division of man based on cast, creed and community. Religion to them was a wider range where thoughts and ideas of people found expression irrespective of diversity.
3) "Adversity always presents opportunities for introspections"- Who said this and to whom? How did the speaker's attitude to adversity influence the person spoken to?
★Kalam's father said this to him.
★Kalam had deep affection and respect for his father. According to Kalam's father, when troubles come, we should neither hold God responsible for it, nor should we get afraid of the suffering. We should keep our head and must try to understand the relevance of our sufferings. When adversity appears before us, we should not be hopeless. We should find a way out with our sincere thoughts, sense of reason and deep feeling as adversity always presents opportunities for introspection.
4) "His answer filled me with a strange energy and enthusiasm"- Whose answer is referred to here? Who was filled with a strange energy and enthusiasm? What was the answer given by the person spoken to?
★The answer of Kalam's father is referred to here.
★ Kalam's father answered in a low, deep voice.
★ Boy Kalam was filled with a strange energy.
★Kalam wanted to know from his father why he did not say to the people coming to him for help and advice that there was nothing mysterious about praher. His father answered that every recurrent anguish, longing and desire finds its own helper. And he only played the role of that helper to appease people's demonic forces with offerings and prayers. He merely wanted to give them nothing but mental strength. Hearing the answer, Kalam was filled with wonder.
5) " Every human being is a specific element in the whole of the manifest divine Being".- Explain in the light of the views of the author's father. Or,
"My father could convey complex spiritual concepts in very simple, down-to-earth Tamil."- How did the author's father convey spiritual concepts?
Ans:- Inspite of the fact that the author's father did not receive much formal education, he possessed, like many Indians, an innate wisdom. His father had the ability to explain spiritual ideas in very simple, down-to-earth Tamil. The spiritual concepts were about our relationship with God and the whole universe. He explained tht every human being is a part and a specific element within the whole universe. He is also a part of the infinite soul or God. The author's father believed this and said so to the people who used to come to him.
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