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Class xi
Leela's Friend
Long notes for class xi from Leela's Friend.
Leela's Friend
1) Where does the chain found at last? How did Leela and her parents react thereafter?
Ans: The chain was found in the tamarind pot in the kitchen. It was found by Leela's mother.
The Sivasanker family did not show any notable regrets for their misconduct toward Sidda when they found the chain. Leela wanted to wear it right away and there was no evidence of her earlier warmth about sidda then. When Mr. Sivasanker arrived, Leela was blamed for the incident and he decided to go and tell the police about finding the chain, but he refused to appoint Sidda in their house as he was a criminal according to him.
2) "Doesn't seem to be a bad sort...'- Who says this? What is the context ? Why was Mr. Sivasanker 'unable to make up his mind'?
Ans: The above words are expressed by Mr. Sivasanker.
Mr. Sivasanker noticed Sidda quite well. He found that the man looked tidy, and in this context, he thought that the man searching for a job is not a bad sort.
Mr. Sivasanker enquired the whereabouts of Sidda. But Sidda gave vague answers. Sidda told Mr. Sivasanker about his past working experience and when Sivasanker asked why his employer sent him away, Sidda gave a stock answer. He said that his employer had left the town. So Mr. Sivasanker was unable to make up his mind and wanted to know the opinion of his wife.
3) "Long ago, the other day"- Who said this? In what context was it said? What was the reaction of the hearer?
Ans: These words were said by Leela.
When the gold chain was found inside the tamarind pot, Leela said these words casually.
These words have vexed the parents of Leela. Her mother asked when it was done. Leela's father blamed his daughter for being so careless. He even blamed his daughter for the incident. But what is striking is that Mr. Sivasanker still considered Sidda a criminal.
4) "It gave her great joy to play the teacher to sidda"- Who is 'she' and how did 'she' play the teacher to Sidda?
Ans: The word 'she' refers to Leela.
Leela was the five year old daughter of Mr. Sivasankar. Leela held a class for at dusk. She had a box filled with catalogues. There were illustrated books and stumps of pencils. Leela played the teacher to Sidda in great joy. The catalogue lay infront of him. Leel knew two or three letters of the alphabet. She could draw a kind of cat and crow. She then commanded him to copy what she had drawn or written. But Sidda could neither write nor draw anything. Leela then pitied him and redoubled her efforts to teach Sidda. Thus the class continued and Sidda's wrist got almost cracked.
1) Where does the chain found at last? How did Leela and her parents react thereafter?
Ans: The chain was found in the tamarind pot in the kitchen. It was found by Leela's mother.
The Sivasanker family did not show any notable regrets for their misconduct toward Sidda when they found the chain. Leela wanted to wear it right away and there was no evidence of her earlier warmth about sidda then. When Mr. Sivasanker arrived, Leela was blamed for the incident and he decided to go and tell the police about finding the chain, but he refused to appoint Sidda in their house as he was a criminal according to him.
2) "Doesn't seem to be a bad sort...'- Who says this? What is the context ? Why was Mr. Sivasanker 'unable to make up his mind'?
Ans: The above words are expressed by Mr. Sivasanker.
Mr. Sivasanker noticed Sidda quite well. He found that the man looked tidy, and in this context, he thought that the man searching for a job is not a bad sort.
Mr. Sivasanker enquired the whereabouts of Sidda. But Sidda gave vague answers. Sidda told Mr. Sivasanker about his past working experience and when Sivasanker asked why his employer sent him away, Sidda gave a stock answer. He said that his employer had left the town. So Mr. Sivasanker was unable to make up his mind and wanted to know the opinion of his wife.
3) "Long ago, the other day"- Who said this? In what context was it said? What was the reaction of the hearer?
Ans: These words were said by Leela.
When the gold chain was found inside the tamarind pot, Leela said these words casually.
These words have vexed the parents of Leela. Her mother asked when it was done. Leela's father blamed his daughter for being so careless. He even blamed his daughter for the incident. But what is striking is that Mr. Sivasanker still considered Sidda a criminal.
4) "It gave her great joy to play the teacher to sidda"- Who is 'she' and how did 'she' play the teacher to Sidda?
Ans: The word 'she' refers to Leela.
Leela was the five year old daughter of Mr. Sivasankar. Leela held a class for at dusk. She had a box filled with catalogues. There were illustrated books and stumps of pencils. Leela played the teacher to Sidda in great joy. The catalogue lay infront of him. Leel knew two or three letters of the alphabet. She could draw a kind of cat and crow. She then commanded him to copy what she had drawn or written. But Sidda could neither write nor draw anything. Leela then pitied him and redoubled her efforts to teach Sidda. Thus the class continued and Sidda's wrist got almost cracked.
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