Short Answer Type Questions From "On Killing A Tree".

Short Answer Type Questions
On Killing A Tree
1)   “Not a simple jab of the knife will do it.”- What cannot a simple jab of the knife do?
      Ans: A simple jab of the knife cannot kill a tree.
2)   “It has grown slowly”- What has grown slowly?
Ans: In the poem “On Killing A Tree” written by Gieve Patel, the tree has grown slowly.
3)   Where does the tree get its food?
Ans: The tree gets its food at the earth’s crust, that is, on the top layer of the earth.
4)   “Not so much pain will do it”- When does the tree feel the pain?
Ans: The tree feels much pain when it is hacked and chopped.
5)   “And from close to the ground will rise”- What will rise from close to the ground?
Ans: The curled green twigs will rise from close to the ground.
6)   How will ‘the bleeding bark’ of the tree heal?
Ans: ‘The bleeding bark’ of the tree will heal naturally.
7)   “Out of the anchoring earth;”- What is meant by ‘anchoring earth’?
Ans: ‘Anchoring earth’ means holding something tightly going deep inside the earth.
8)   “The root is to be pulled out”- Why is the root to be pulled out?
Ans: The root is to be pulled out for killing a tree completely.
9)   “And out of its leprous hide sprouting…”- What sprouts out of the leprous hide?
Ans: Leaves grow out of the leprous hide of the tree.
10)                      “But this alone won’t do it”- What does ‘it’ refer to here? What does ‘this’ refer to here?
Ans: In the poem “On Killing A Tree” composed by Gieve Patel, ‘it’ refers to the act of complete killing of a tree.
               ‘This’ refers to the act of hacking and chopping of a tree.
11)                      “…pulled out entirely,”- How is a tree to be pulled out entirely?
Ans: A tree with its root is to be pulled out entirely by tying with a rope tightly and snapping.
12)                      “Out from the earth cave”- what is to be pulled out from the earth cave?
Ans: A tree with its root is to be pulled out from the earth cave.

13)                      “And from close to the ground”- what is close to the ground?
Ans: The remaining part of the tree after it has been hacked and chopped, is close to the ground.
14)                      “…will expand again”- what will expand again?
Ans: The miniature boughs of the tree coming out from close to the ground will expand again.
15)                      “And the strength of tree exposed”- When is the strength of the tree exposed?
Ans: When a tree is pulled out entirely with its roots, its strength is exposed.
16)                      “…hidden for years inside the earth”- what remained hidden inside the earth for years?
Ans: The white and wet part, which is the source, of the tree remained hidden inside the earth for years.

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  1. Replies
    1. A tree grows slowly by consuming the earth.

  2. Pick out a line from the poem which shows nature's resilience????

  3. Pick out a line from the poem which shows nature's resilience????

  4. What does the tree consume and absorb

    1. The tree consume the eartH, and rises out it feeding upon its crust. It's absorbs years of sunlight air and water


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