Short notes for class 12 from "Asleep in the Valley".

                      Asleep in the Valley
                             Arthur Rimbaud

1) Where does the slow stream flow?
   Ans: The slow stream flows through the small green valley.

2) "...they fill the hollow full of light".- What are 'they' referred to here?
    Ans: In the poem "Asleep in the Valley", 'they' refer to the rays of the sun.

3) What is the soldier's pillow made of?
    Ans: The soldier's pillow made of fern.

4) Who lies stretching in the heavy undergrowth?
   Ans: The young soldier lies stretching in the heavy undergrowth.

5) What is the smile of the young soldier compared with?
    Ans: The smile of the young soldier is compared with the smile of an infant.

6) "The humming insects don't disturb his rest;"- Why? 
    Ans: The humming insects don't disturb the rest of the young soldier because he is dead now.

7) What does the expression 'sun-soaked' mean? 
    Ans: It means the grasses are made hot by the scorching heat of the sun.

8) Who is asked to keep the soldier warm?
    Ans: The nature is asked to keep the soldier warm.

9) "...there are two red holes."- Where are 'two red holes' seen? 
   Ans: Two red holes are seen in the side of the dead young soldier.

10) What does the word 'rest' sihnify?
   Ans: The word rest signifies death.
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