Home Literature
Class xi
Nobel Lecture
Long notes for class xi from "Nobel Lecture'.
1) How does Mother Teresa fight against abortion?
Ans:- Mother Teresa regards abortion as the greatest destroyer of peace. She fights abortion by adoption. She collects unwanted children from hospitals, police stations, clinics. She appeals to all not to destroy the children. She shelters them in her Home for orphanage. Her nurses nurture them with loving care. Then they are handed to the childless families. They take the orphans as blessings of god. Mother Teresa also adopts another method of fighting abortion. She teaches the beggers, the slum dwellers the natural family planning. She advises them to practise the natural family planning. She teaches them the temperature meter.
2) " I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion"- Describe Teresa's observation on abortion.
Ans:- In her noble lecxture, Mother Teresa sharply criticise the practise of abortion. She regards it as the greatest destroyer of peace. She does not hesitate to call it a direct war, a direct killing,- a direct murder by the mother herself. In this connection, Mother quotes from the holy scriptures, "Even if a mother, could forget her child,- I will not forget you- I have carved you in the palm of my hand."This shows that human beings are created by God. Obviously, abortion is against the will of god. It is the violation of God's order. But Mother Teresa has offered a remedy. She thinks that adoption is the best answer to abortion. And she fights against abortion with the weapon of adoption.
3) "Smile at each other, make time for each other in your family."-What is Mother's observation about smile?
Ans:- Mother says a lot about the importance of smile. She believes that smile is the beginning of love. We may sometimes find it difficult to keep our smile intact. But we cannot give it up. For life claims a smile. Mother advises us to greet all we meet with a smile. Only a smile does half the work. Once some professor of the USA met mother. They wanted to keep something which would always remind them of Mother. Mother advised them to give their smile on. For, smile radiates joy and the joy of smile opens up our hearts.
4) what is Mother's message to mankind?
Ans:- Mother's life is Mothers message to mankind. Her heart is full of human kindness. She wants all people go above their mental narrowness. Mother reminds us of the great sacrifice of Jesus. To her, every human being counts much. She advises us to feel the real understanding of love to all the sufferers of the world. She inspires us to smile and pray. She motivates us to build happy home. she expects that man will jealously and selflessly love each other and feel the presence of God or Jesus among the poor, the needy and the helpless.
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