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The King Who Wanted to Touch the Moon
Questions-Answers from "The King Who Wanted to Touch The Moon".
1) "I want you to build a really tall tower. It must reach up into the sky."
a) Who said this to whom?
Ans. The foolish king said this to the royal carpenter.
b)Why did the tower have to be so tall?
Ans. The tower had to be very tall because the foolish king had the wish to touch the moon so that he became the best king in the world and first man to touch the moon.
2) Why did the king ask his men to chop down all the trees in his kingdom?
Ans. The king asked his men to chop down all the trees in his kingdom because he wanted to touch the moon by making a tall tower and he needed more woods to make it.
3) Which sentence in the story shows that the tower was very high?
Ans. The sentencein the story which shows that the tower was very high is "The tower grew so high that people on the ground could not see the top."
4) Which actions of the king show that he was a foolish man?
Ans. In the story there are many specimens which show the foolishness of the king.
i. He wanted to touch the moon which is next to impossible.
ii. He wanted it by making a tower of woods which was very idiotic to hear.
iii. He cut down all the trees of his kingdom to make the tower. He did not think about the necessity of trees for living.
These incidents shows very clearly that he is very much foolish in nature.
5) There’s a Chinese prove,, "When a king makes a mistake, all the people suffer." How does this story show this?
Ans. This proverb is proved in this story. As the king had the baseless desire to touch the moon, he ordered to cut all the tress of the kingdom., which was a huge mistake. For this mistake, the king must suffer but with him all the people of the kingdom also suffer because it would destroy the ecological balance of the environmen.
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