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Comment on the aptness of the title of the play
John Galsworthy
Comment on the aptness of the title of the play, "Justice".
The title of the play "Justice" is ironical as it relates the story of social injustice in the name of real justice. "Justice" is a heart-rending tragedy, its central theme being the suffering caused to individuals by the administration of criminal law. Falder the hero of the play committed an act of forgery to save his beloved Ruth who was continuously tortured by her husband. As her very life is in danger, and moved as much by pity as by love, he plans to elope with her to South America. As he has no money, he commits the crime. He is branded as a criminal though it was his first crime. Neither the employers nor the law gave him a chance for purification. He is sentenced to three years rigorous imprisonmen. His spiritual agony during his term of solitary confinement is vividly and realistically depicted.
Justice is one of the most powerful of the problem plays produced in recent times, and in it the playwright has focussed on a number of social problems of his day. The main problem is the problem of the administration of justice. The problem is what society should do with a criminal like Falder who violates the laws of society by altering a cheque of his employers amd misappropriating some money? When Walter asks his father James to let Falder go "for the sake of his future", James sarcastically replies" According to you, no one would ever be prosecuted. To break the law like that- in here...Nothing for it. Prosecute." At last Falder come out from jail and he forges a reference for securing a job and is re-arrested, and commits suicide.
The title is very much appropriate because it demonstrated the fallibility of the legal system of the land. The has no doubt about the play that tells the story of the life, suffering and death of Falder, but there are uncountable Falders in society who suffer similarly and meet a similar fate. For all these crucial reasons we may conclude that the title of the play appropriate and suggestive.
Justice is one of the most powerful of the problem plays produced in recent times, and in it the playwright has focussed on a number of social problems of his day. The main problem is the problem of the administration of justice. The problem is what society should do with a criminal like Falder who violates the laws of society by altering a cheque of his employers amd misappropriating some money? When Walter asks his father James to let Falder go "for the sake of his future", James sarcastically replies" According to you, no one would ever be prosecuted. To break the law like that- in here...Nothing for it. Prosecute." At last Falder come out from jail and he forges a reference for securing a job and is re-arrested, and commits suicide.
The title is very much appropriate because it demonstrated the fallibility of the legal system of the land. The has no doubt about the play that tells the story of the life, suffering and death of Falder, but there are uncountable Falders in society who suffer similarly and meet a similar fate. For all these crucial reasons we may conclude that the title of the play appropriate and suggestive.
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