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Class xi
Long notes for class xi from "Daybreak".
Long suggestive questions and answers from Daybreak for class 11.
1) "It shouted through the belfry-tower/ Awake oh bell! proclaim the hour".- What is 'belfry tower'? What does the poet imply by the 'hour'? What does the poet want to imply?
Ans:- The 'belfry tower' is the highest tower of a church where a bell is hanging.
Here the poet wants to imply the daybreak by the hour.
When the sea wind blows through the church, it invokes the bell on the 'belfry-tower' to ring out and proclaim the arrival of new dawn. Actually, the bell is unable to ring out itself. The wind wants the man engaged in ringing the bell wake up. And he must ring in the new dawn in order to wake up all. The dawn has come. Every human being is to get up from bed. They should be ready to start their respective duties again.
Ans:- The 'belfry tower' is the highest tower of a church where a bell is hanging.
Here the poet wants to imply the daybreak by the hour.
When the sea wind blows through the church, it invokes the bell on the 'belfry-tower' to ring out and proclaim the arrival of new dawn. Actually, the bell is unable to ring out itself. The wind wants the man engaged in ringing the bell wake up. And he must ring in the new dawn in order to wake up all. The dawn has come. Every human being is to get up from bed. They should be ready to start their respective duties again.
2) Write a note on the significance of the title of H.W. Longfellow's poem 'Daybreak'.
Ans:- Life is general goes in rhythmic parallel with nature. When it is night, life seems to have come to a standstil. It is at day time that life manifests itself in the form of action. So the living creatures need to wake up first to start their respective duties. We see that the sea wind is the messenger of a new era, new concepts, new outlook and approaches each objects. This act of waking up takes place at dawn which is the literal beginning of day. This act of waking up is done by the wind which acts as a messenger of nature. He wishes that all should give up the age-old darkness of evil customs, greed and injustice and rebuild everything at this new dawn. So the title of the poem is quite justified.
3) "It crossed the churchyard with a sigh"- Who crossed the churchyard ? Why did it sigh? What did it say? Why did it say so?
Ans:- The sea wind crossed the churchyard with a sigh.
It sighed because it felt sorry for those people who were lying buried in the churchyard.
While crossing the churchyard, the wind told the corpses buried there not to wake up to his call to each and every object both on land and in water.
Sleep at night is temporary since one wakes up from sleep in the morning. On the other hand, death implies eternal sleep from which there is no waking up. Therefore the dead people lying buried in the churchyard need not wake up in the morning. So the wind while crossing the churchyard told the corpses not to wake up but to loe down quietly.
3) "It crossed the churchyard with a sigh"- Who crossed the churchyard ? Why did it sigh? What did it say? Why did it say so?
Ans:- The sea wind crossed the churchyard with a sigh.
It sighed because it felt sorry for those people who were lying buried in the churchyard.
While crossing the churchyard, the wind told the corpses buried there not to wake up to his call to each and every object both on land and in water.
Sleep at night is temporary since one wakes up from sleep in the morning. On the other hand, death implies eternal sleep from which there is no waking up. Therefore the dead people lying buried in the churchyard need not wake up in the morning. So the wind while crossing the churchyard told the corpses not to wake up but to loe down quietly.
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