Summary of the poem, "Nature" by Emily Dickinson
The poet, Emily Dickinson in her poem "Nature" discusses the nature of human being through very easy and lucid language. The poet has used the imagery of nature to describe the human nature. Here the poet details how the rumours start from one person and spread to others.
The sky can't keep the secret with itself. He transfers his secret in the form of rain, thunder, storm etc. The secret is delivered to the hills, then the hills also can't keep it with them. It tells the secret to the orchards and from orchards it transfers to the daffodils. Similarly, if we share some secret to somebody, it must take the form of scandal and spread to a lot of people.
The poet also says that if one does not intentionally share one's secret to others, it can be overheard by any body and can be spread. Here in the poem, the poet says that the secret of the sky is overheard by a bird, and if somebody bribes it, it may share it without any hesitation. But the poet also assures that she does not want to know those secret of life.
The tone of the poet is quite changed after that. She becomes a little philosophical after that. The poet says that if the secret of life and death is known to all of us, there will be no magic in life. We must enjoy every ups and downs of life, we must be glad to accept every difficult situation of life as it must give us some lesson which smoothens our future path of life. So the poet requests "Father'' i.e. all powerful almighty to keep the secret with Him and not to share it with anybody. The poet is also not interested in knowing the secret which is going on in His "new fashioned world".
The poet by using simple images like 'nature', 'summer', 'snow' etc conveys a deep message of human psychology. The poet has used the figures of speech like personification, metaphor etc. She has used the rhymes like abcb, defe, ghih, jklk.
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