Showing posts with label Gender change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gender change. Show all posts

A List of Masculine and Feminine Gender of Compound Nouns, Part-3.

1. Man-servant - Maid-servant
2. Father-in-law - Mother-in-law
3. Son-in-law - Daughter-in-law
4. Brother-in-law - Sister-in-law
5. Air man - Air woman
6. Noble man - Noble woman
7. Milk-man - Milk-maid
8. Washer-man - Washer-woman
9. Boy-friend - Girl-friend
10. Jack ass - She ass
11. He-goat - She-goat
12. Land Lord - Land lady
13. Grandfather - Grandmother
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A List of Masculine and Feminine Gender, part-2

1. Boy - Girl
2. Buck / Rabbit - Doe
3. Drake - Duck
4. King - Queen
5. Bull / Ox - Cow
6. Gentleman - Lady
7. Gander - Goose
8. Husband - Wife
9. Father - Mother
10. Male - Female
11. Ram -  Ewe
12.  Boar - Sow
13. Nephew - Niece
14. Drone - Bee
15. Horse - Mare
16. Bachelor - Spinster / Maid
17. Man - Woman
18. Monk - Nun
19. Groom - Bride
20. Fox - Vixen
21. Stag / Deer - Hind
22. Cock - Hen
23. Bullock - Heifer
24. Lad - Lass
25. Brother - Sister
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A List of Masculine and Feminine Gender, Part-1, English Grammar.

1. Author - Authoress
2. Baron - Baroness
3. Count - Countess
4. Giant - Giantess
5. God - Goddess
6. Heir- Heiress
7. Host - Hostess
8. Lion - Lioness
9. Actor - Actress
10. Benefactor - Benefactress
11. Conductor - Conductress
12. Waiter- Waitress
13. Traitor - Traitress
14. Tiger - Tigress
15. Emperor - Empress
16. Founder - Foundress
17. Governor - Governess
18. Instructor - Instructress
19. Mayor - Mayoress
20. Hunter - Huntress
21. Seamster - Seamstress
22. Priest - Priestess
23. Prince - Princess
24. Poet - Poetess
25. Prophet - Prophetess
26. Negro - Negress
27. Murderer - Murderess
28. Shepherd - Shepherdess
29. Steward - Stewardess
30. Tutor - Tutoress

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