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Summary of Spenser's sonnet "One Day I Wrote Her Name".One Day I Wrote Her Name
Summary of Spenser's sonnet "One Day I Wrote Her Name".
In fact Spenser's poem, wgich is the 75th sonnet of his sonnet sequence Amoretti, takes this argument further. Here, the poet attempts to immortalize his lady-love by inscribing her name on the sand of the sea-shore. Everytime he wrote her name the waves washed it away. So his lady-love admonished him for his futile attempt saying that it was only a vain arrogance to attempt such a thing. Moreover, she herself would perish like any ordinary thing. With this she tried to dissuade the poet. To this the poet boldly replied that his lady-love was not a ordinary mortal; she was a precious being and he would immortalize her virtue and beauty in his verse. His verse would last till the Day of Judgement and proclaim her and their love to the world. However, even after their passage from this life, his verse would renew their love in the next world. Sidney, therefore, claims for poetry absolute immunity from the ravages of time.
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