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Summary of Tennyson's Ulysses.Ulysses
Summary of Tennyson's Ulysses.
Ulysses is one of the classical examples of Tennyson's work where he conveys the victorian spirit. Ulysses represents life as an endless quest for knowledge and adventure. Ulysses who conveys Tennyson's message of a motionful life. To live a life of comfort and idleness proves a man no gourd. Tennyson calls such a life of a futility and puts the outstanding character of Ulysses to bring forth the eternal message of the supreme philosophy- "Life is a action not contemplation." Throughout the poem we can feel the flavour of the pastglories of adventures which were lost in the lapse of time but still enlivens one's emotion transcending the temporal barrier and in that sense they are not lost. Tennyson echoes his philosophy of life through Ulysses whose action fields range from the windy battlefield of Troy to various other lands where he had gone, achieved success and fame and had gradually transformed himself into a legend, so that he would continue to exist within hearts of people even after his physical departure. Above all the poem indicates that old age is not feeble, there is still a lot of energy and vigour in od men to drink life to the last drop.
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