Comparative study between America and Europe in "Nationalism"

Rabindranath Tagore in his essay "Nationalism" asserts that America is "the country of expectation". In making human unity and solving the national problem i. e. ' the race problem' only America has the ability.

             Going to prove his assertion, Rabindranath makes a comparative study of Europe and America. He says, "Europe has her subtle habits of mind and her conventions." But "America.......has come to no conclusions." America should give the lead, because it has no troubled past - "America is untramelled by the traditions of the past, and I can appreciate that experimentalism is a sign of America's youth." Tagore also says that if you have a power to see the future, you must love America because it has a bright future - "If one is gifted with the power of clairvoyance, one will be able to love the America that is to be."

         "Europe has lost faith in humanity and has become distrustful and sickly." But America is optimistic, "not pessimistic or blase." Europe has some habits which are 'aggressively arrogant'. They are compared with 'hedges of stinging nettles'.  Tagore means to say that if one is proud of his or her culture, tradition, this is fine, but if one has the sense of superiority and thinks others as inferior, people become angry with him or her. Because no one has the right to humiliate the other. Europe is always thinks that East has nothing to offer, because she is always proud of her past - "she takes every opportunity to hurl this fact against others to humiliate them."

              Not only that, but America also never make any country it's colony, though European country made other country its colony.  In the point of colonization America also surpasses America.
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