"There is only one history- the history of man"

 This prophetic remark is made by Rabindranath Tagore in his lectures which have been later published as an essay, called "Nationalism". Rabindranath is of the opinion that the condition of the whole world is similar as India's - "What India has been, the whole world is now." Here Rabindranath mainly speaks racial problem of world.

                Rabindranath has a hope that India "has tried to make an adjustment of races" through the 'basis of unity' and this unity "has come through our saints like Nanak, Chaitanya and others, preaching one God to all races of India." If India can find any solution to this problem and if "India can offer to the world her solution, it will be a contribution to humanity." Actually to Rabindranath all nations are the same, he is only aware of the unity of man, humanity of man - "There is only one history - the history of man." Here Rabindranath paints a global villege in India to show all the nations.

                 This remark proves Jawharlal Nehru's comment true - he is the "great humanist of India." He also says about him - "India's internationalist par excellence, believing and working for international co-operation, taking India's message to other countries and bringing their message to his own people." Dorothy Norman also rightly remarks, "Tagore was essentially a person of international mould and thinking."
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