"Our real problem in India is not political"

 This line has been taken from Rabindranath Tagore's "Nationalism". He was one of the greatest intellects of India, poets, writers, educationists, and India's "conscience keeper". In this essay he gives his idea about nation which is a broad and problematic concept.
           The problem of Indian nationalism, according to Tagore, was that of race which was a social, not a political problem - " Our real problem in India is not political. It is social." He also says that this is not only India's problem, rather the problem "among all nations". Rabindranath says that our concept of nation is based on some western ideas like conflict, aggression, dominion. But Rabindranath is of the opinion that we have to remember that our culture and European culture are completely different. They have 'racial unity' and their 'natural resources' are not sufficient , so they have such type of "political and commercial aggressiveness". But out India is physically and geographically rich, so that Mughals, British came to India and colonized it. So we have only one problem - " It is the race problem". And we have to solve it.

                What Rabindranath is emphasizing here is the 'human unity'. He is not bothered by the political situation at all, he is only conscious of the 'internal complications' which we have in India. He gets also says that we must not follow European culture because they have a sense of superiority which always tried to dominate us and this is not favourable future of India.
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