How does Shelley compare skylark to a poet in To A Skylark.

"To A Skylark" is one of the most splendid and passionate lyrics by Percy Bysshe Shelley, which was published in 1820.

        Imagery or the use of images is one of the most significant parts of lyrical poem. Imagery is the compact collection of images. An image is generally a mental picture or speaking picture. According to Cecil Day Lewis,"An image is a picture, made out of words." In this present poem, "To A Skylark", Shelley uses some images in the point that the creator is always remaining invisible or unknown while the product or creation of the creator is getting enough exposure and admiration for its worth and beauty.

          Shelley compared the skylark to a poet. The skylark is hidden from our view by the glorious light of the sun and the poet is also hidden from us in a world created by his own thought, imagination which weave impenetrable waves around him. The poet, like the bird seems to be lost in poetic thoughts and these thoughts create a dazzling halo - a circle of light behind which he remains. In this point of view, Shelley compares the 'blithe spirit' skylark to a poet.
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