"Chorus hymeneal" and "triumphal chaunt"

These phrases are used by Shelley in his famous lyric poem, "To A Skylark", published in 1820.

         "Chorus hymeneal" is a type of song which is sung in marriage ceremony in chorus by the young girls and boys. 'Hymeneal'is an adjective formed from Hymen, the God of Marriage in classical mythology. Marriage song is usually known as Epithalamiums.

         "Triumphal chaunt" is another type of song which is sung in chorus to welcome Victor or celebrate his victory. These songs are known as Epinician odes. These songs were mostly written by the poet Pindar.

            These two kinds of songs are the most celebrating and charming songs of this mundane world. But according to our poet, compared with the spontaneous song of the skylark, which is nothing but the divine rapture, the marriage song and the song of victory are an empty , vain boast because there odes lack divine inspiration. The song of the skylark is full of joy and satisfaction but these songs are "the expression of a vast unfulfilment". By this comparison, the superiority of the skylark's song is emphasised.
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