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R. K. Narayan
The Tale of a Tail
Questions and answers from "The Tale of a Tail" by R. K. Narayan.
1. Do you think Shankar or Pea had written the word "Tail" on the blackboard? Give a reason for your answer.
Ans. Yes, I think Shankar or Pea had written the word "Tail" on the blackboard.
I think so because when Swaminathan entered the classroom, they are pretending that they were busy with their own work.
2. How did Swaminathan feel when he saw the word "Tail" written on blackboard?
Ans. When Swaminathan saw the word "tail" on the black board, he becsme very angry. His face turned red. And he was so irritated that he could not control himself and slapped his friend, Pea.
3."What is wrong with you, little rogues?"
a) Who are rogues?
Ans. Here rogues indicate all the friends of Swaminathan including himself except Mani.
b) Why are they fighting with each other?
Ans. They are fighting with each other because Swaminathan got very angry as the word "tail" was written on thr blackboard and he suspected Pea and Shankar for this deed. This is the main reason behind their fighting.
c) Where is thd fight going on?
Ans. The fight is going on to a lonely place in the field of the scschool.
4. "And who dares to talk about Rajam here?"
a) Who is Rajam?
Ans. Rajam is one of Swaminathan's friends and Mani's "sworn" enemy.
b) Who tslked about Rajam?
Ans. Swaminathan talked about Rajam that he is called "Rajam's tail" .
c) How are Mani and Rajam related?
Ans. Mani and Rajam are "sworn enemies" as they never can be friends again.
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