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Enid Blyton
The Boy Who Borrowed
Questions and answers from "The Boy Who Borrowed" by Enid Blyton.
1. What was Benny's favourite hobby?
Ans. Benny's favourite hobby was reading books.
2. What kind of book did Benny want?
Ans. Benny wanted the book to be as long as a dictionary so that he could continue reading without break.
3. How many books did he have?
Ans. He had only eight books of his own as he did not have enough money to buy more.
4. Why could Benny not bear to return books?
Ans. Benny could not near to return the books because at first he forgot tp bring them and then when he saw thet his bookcase was filling up gradually with these books, he willingly did not bear yhem back.
5. Whose voices did Benny hear one night?
Ans. One night when he was sleeping, suddenly he heard some voices which was coming from his study room. When he clearly tried to listen to it properly, he understood that these voices were of those books which he borrowed from others.
6. What horrid thing had Benny done with one of the books?
Ans. Benny had turned some of the pages of the book fown to mark his place. According to this book, this is a horrid thing to do with any books.
7. How did the books leave the house?
Ans. The books pushed the door to open and then walked downstairs. Then they went into the little room off the hall and left the house from the open window of that room.
8. Why were the children surprised when Benny returned them their things?
Ans. The children were surprised when Benny returned them their things because the children thought that Benny could never return them and kept them to him.
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