Showing posts with label CBSE Board. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CBSE Board. Show all posts

Exercise of Voice Change for CBSE,ICSE and WBBSE Part- 1

1) My friend reads a book. 
2) The boy has made a paper boat. 
3) Mita is singing a song. 
4) A snake was killed by him. 
5) A dog stole a piece of meat. 
6) He will give me a book. 
7) I have been telephoned by my friend. 
8) Let the order be given.
9) The children play football.
10) Mr. Roy is watering the plant.


1) A book is read by my friend.
2) A paper boat has been made by the boy.
3) A song is being sung by Mita.
4) He killed a snake.
5) A piece of meat was stolen by a dog. 
6) A book will be given to me by him.
7) My friend has telephoned me. 
8) Give the order. 
9) Football is played by the children.
10) The plant is being watered by Mr. Roy. 

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Questions and answers from "It's Getting Hotter".

1. What will cause the water in the oceans to overflow?

Ans. People are burning fuels with carbon as their main ingredient. Besides these, oil, gas, and coal are used in cars, aeroplanes,power stations and so on. This produces carbon dioxide which mixes with oxygen and add to our greenhouse problem which makes the planet more warmed and causes the water in the oceans to overflow.

2. Why was a conference  held at Kyoto? Was it fruitful?

Ans. A conference was held at Kyoto in Japan to get the solution of a great problem, namely climate change which has many bad effects on living beings. 
   It was not fruitful because too many promises were made they are not being followed later.

3. What are the causes of global warming?

Ans. There are many reasons behind global warming:
 (i) Excessive use of fuels whose main ingredient is carbon. 
  (ii) Use of oil, gas, coal in cars, aeroplanes and power stations.
  (iii) Use of excessive heaters and air conditioners. 
  (iv)  Use of plastics.

4. Why do you think the poor will suffer the most due to climate change?

Ans. Poor people will suffer most because when due to climate change the ice of the poles will be melting, it will flood the low lying areas first. Not only that, the water itself will take up more space simply because it become warmer. That will make it overflow even more on to the land.  That's why the poor people will loose their habitat and become homeless which is the saddest part of the climate change.
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NCERT Class Nine English Solutions of The Moments.


1) What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair? Why does he lag behind? 

     Ans: The things the child sees on his way to the fair are- the toys in the shops that lined the way, a flowering mustard field which seemed like melting gold, colourful dragonflies, butterflies and black bees who are in search of sweetness from the flowers. He also attracted by the little insects and worms, dove birds in the grove and he saw hordes of people walking towards the fair.
         He lagged behind because he was fascinated by the toys in the shops that lined the way.

2) In the fair he wants many things. What are they? Why does he move on without waiting for an answer?

Ans: In the fair the child wants many things. Which things are various types of toys and colourful balloons, different sweets like gulab jamun, rasgulla, barfi, jalebi from the sweetmeat seller, a garland of gulmohar, watching the play of snake charmer and the child also wants to ride the roundabout.

        The child moved on without waiting for an answer because he knew that his plea would be refused at every step.

3) What does he realise that he has lost his way? How have his anxiety and insecurity been described? 

Ans: He realises that he has lost his way when he reached at the roundabout and made a bold request to his parents that he wants to go on the roundabout but there was no reply. Then he realises that.

           His anxiety and insecurity have been described by his helpless condition at the time in the fair. He  turned to look on either side. His parents were not there. He looked behind but there was no sign of them. Then a full, deep cry rose within his dry throat and with a sudden jerk of his  body he ran from where he stood, crying in real fear 'mother, father'. Tears rolled down from eyes, panic stricken, he ran hither and thither in all directions, knowing not where to go. His yellow turban came untied and his clothes become muddy.

4) Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier?

Ans: The lost child loses interest in the things that he had wanted earlier because he was convulsed with fear, panic stricken on being separated from his parents. At the time he wanted was to be assembled with them. All the things which attracted him sometimes ago, they are no longer important to him, and now the one thing that matters is searching his parents.

5) What do you think happens in the end? Does the child find his parents?

Ans: In the end the father and mother of the lost child, who regularly kept checking to see that the child was with them right from the starting of the journey may have suddenly accomplished that he was missing and come searching the lost child.

          The generous person who tried to comfort the lost child by taking him to the roundabout, offered him the colourful balloons, various flowers and many other things at the fair. The person also asked him about his parents and helped him to be reunited with them.
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Questions and answers from "The Fearless Fighter".

1. "Whoever wishes to swim in the channel has to fulfil two conditions."

a) Who is the speaker of these words?

Ans. One of the members of the English Channel Swimming Association has said these words to Janaki.

b) What are the two conditions?

Ans. The two conditions are- 
 (i) The participant should be able to spend ten hours continuously in the water.
 (ii) He or she should be able to swim in the high sea for a long time without any break.

 2. "Although Janaki had wanted to make a solo attempt, she could not do so."

a) What does 'solo attempt' mean?

Ans.  'Solo attempt' means to do something alone or by his or her own without any help from others. 

b) Why was Janaki not allowed to make a solo attempt?

Ans. Janaki was not allowed to make a solo attempt because the special boat needed to accompany her for her safety as she was a physically disabled girl. 

3. Why were the officials of the English Channel Association shocked to see Janaki?

Ans. The officials of the English Channel Association were shocked to see Janaki because she was a physically disabled girl and she was coming from India to England to participate in a swimming competition. 

 4. What was wrong with Janaki? How did it happen? 

Ans. Though Janaki wanted to be a swimmer, she was attacked by polio when she was two years old. And it made her physically disabled and weak. 

5. Why were all the officials impressed with Janaki??

Ans. All the officials were impressed with Janaki when they saw her certificates which showed her ability as a swimmer though she was a handicapped girl.

6. In what way did July 28, 1992 create history?

Ans. July 28, 1992 created history because it was the day to fulfil Janaki's life's ambition to swim the English Channel.

7. What were the difficulties that Janaki faced while swimming across the Channel?

Ans. (i) The water  of the sea was very cold.
(ii) The water of the sea was very salty so that when it entered Janaki's mouth, it made her fall sick.
(iii) The jellyfish and seaweeds stuck to Janaki's body and made her feel uncomfortable.        
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Questions and answers from "The Boy Who Borrowed" by Enid Blyton.

1. What was Benny's favourite hobby?

Ans. Benny's favourite hobby was reading books. 

2. What kind of book did Benny want?

Ans. Benny wanted the book to be as long as a dictionary so that he could continue reading without break.

3. How many books did he have?
Ans. He had only eight books of his own as he did not have enough money to buy more.

4. Why could Benny not bear to return books?

Ans. Benny could not near to return the books because at first he forgot tp bring them and then when he saw thet his bookcase was filling up gradually with these books, he willingly did not bear yhem back.

5. Whose voices did Benny hear one night? 

Ans. One night when he was sleeping, suddenly he heard some voices which was coming from his study room. When he clearly tried to listen to it properly, he understood that these voices were of those books which he borrowed from others.

6. What horrid thing had Benny done with one of the books?

Ans. Benny had turned some of the pages of the book fown to mark his place. According to this book, this is a horrid thing to do with any books.

7. How did the books leave the  house? 

Ans. The books pushed the door to open and then walked downstairs. Then they went into the little room off the hall and left the house from the open window of that room.

 8. Why were the children surprised when Benny returned them their things?

Ans. The children were surprised when Benny returned them their things because the children thought that Benny could never return them and kept them to him.      


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Questions and answers from "Nina is the Winner".

1. Why was everyone in the school excited?

Ans. Everyone in the school was excited because the school ground was beautifully decorated for the annual sports competition.

2.What happened to Medha during the race?

Ans. During the race, Medha sprained her ankle and fell down on the ground.

 3. What did Nina do when she saw Medha falling fown?

Ans. When Nina saw Medha falling down, she forgot about the competition, she just turned back to help her.

4. Who got the Best Student’s Trophy? Do you think she deserved it?

Ans. Nina got the Best Student’s Troph. 
    Yes, I tjink she deserved it because she always helped her friends in their need. 

5. "Nina saw her falling down, she felt confused...."

Why was Nina confuse?  How did she overcome this confusion?

Ans. Nina was confused because she was very near to the fininshing point and her best friend Medha was falling down on the ground.
      She overcame her confusion by thinking for a few seconds and decided to help her friend.

6. Nina lost the race. But the title of the story says, "Nina is the Winner". In what way is she a winner?

Ans. Though Nina lost the race, she helped her friend in the time of her need and made everyone impressed. In this way she won everyone’s heart and became the winner.                           
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Questions and answers from "Five Chums and the Hacker".

1. Aunt Stephanie has just fainted in Mr. Subramanium's flat."

a) Who speaks these words to whom?

Ans.  These words are spoken by Nishat to Bill by the phone.

b) Why does Aunt Stephanie faint?

Ans. Aunt Stephanie faints because someone has followed her very closely and threatened her to kill.

c) What does Mr. Subramanium do after Aunt Stephanie faints?

Ans. When Aunt Stephanie has fainted in Subramanium's flat, he "has rung up two dozen ambulances" out of his anxiety. 

2. "You are even younger than my grandson."

a) Who is the speaker of this line?

Ans. Aunt Stephanie is the speaker of this line.

b) What is the speaker's reaction towards the person spoken to?

Ans. When Aunt Stephanie saw the hacker, she was literally shocked because he was a very young boy. She was looking towards him shockingly with "unbelieving eyes".

c) What has just happened?

 Ans. The five chums along with Aunt Stephanie has made a plan to trap the hacker and finally the have cauhht him.
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