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CBSE Board
Class 9
The Lost Child
NCERT Class Nine English Solutions of The Moments.
1) What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair? Why does he lag behind?
Ans: The things the child sees on his way to the fair are- the toys in the shops that lined the way, a flowering mustard field which seemed like melting gold, colourful dragonflies, butterflies and black bees who are in search of sweetness from the flowers. He also attracted by the little insects and worms, dove birds in the grove and he saw hordes of people walking towards the fair.
He lagged behind because he was fascinated by the toys in the shops that lined the way.
2) In the fair he wants many things. What are they? Why does he move on without waiting for an answer?
Ans: In the fair the child wants many things. Which things are various types of toys and colourful balloons, different sweets like gulab jamun, rasgulla, barfi, jalebi from the sweetmeat seller, a garland of gulmohar, watching the play of snake charmer and the child also wants to ride the roundabout.
The child moved on without waiting for an answer because he knew that his plea would be refused at every step.
3) What does he realise that he has lost his way? How have his anxiety and insecurity been described?
Ans: He realises that he has lost his way when he reached at the roundabout and made a bold request to his parents that he wants to go on the roundabout but there was no reply. Then he realises that.
His anxiety and insecurity have been described by his helpless condition at the time in the fair. He turned to look on either side. His parents were not there. He looked behind but there was no sign of them. Then a full, deep cry rose within his dry throat and with a sudden jerk of his body he ran from where he stood, crying in real fear 'mother, father'. Tears rolled down from eyes, panic stricken, he ran hither and thither in all directions, knowing not where to go. His yellow turban came untied and his clothes become muddy.
4) Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier?
Ans: The lost child loses interest in the things that he had wanted earlier because he was convulsed with fear, panic stricken on being separated from his parents. At the time he wanted was to be assembled with them. All the things which attracted him sometimes ago, they are no longer important to him, and now the one thing that matters is searching his parents.
5) What do you think happens in the end? Does the child find his parents?
Ans: In the end the father and mother of the lost child, who regularly kept checking to see that the child was with them right from the starting of the journey may have suddenly accomplished that he was missing and come searching the lost child.
The generous person who tried to comfort the lost child by taking him to the roundabout, offered him the colourful balloons, various flowers and many other things at the fair. The person also asked him about his parents and helped him to be reunited with them.
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