SAQ questions and answers from Fable by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

1) Who had a quarrel with squirrel? 
 Ans: The mountain had a quarrel with the squirrel.
2) What is not a disgrace to the squirrel? 
 Ans: Occupying his place is not a disgrace to the squirrel.
3) Who is referred to as 'Bun'?
 Ans: The squirrel is referred to as 'Bun'.
4) What did the mountain call the squirrel?
 Ans: The mountain called the squirrel a 'little prig'.
5) Who puts all well and wisely? 
 Ans: The creator, God, puts all well and wisely.
6) What according to the squirrel, always differs? 
 Ans: According to the squirrel, talents always differ.
7) What according to the squirrel, can be said about the mountain doubtlessly?
 Ans: As admitted by the squirrel, the mountain is doubtlessly very big. It can carry forests on its back. It also makes pretty squirrel tracks.
8) What points does the squirrel make to the mountain? 
 Ans: If the bigness of the mountain is a matter of pride then the squirrel can also be proud of being small . The big mountain can not do things which the small squirrel can.
9) What can the squirrel do, that the mountain can not? 
 Ans: The squirrel can crack a nut, but the mountain cannot.
10) Who makes a track for the squirrel?
 Ans: The mountain makes a track for the squirrel.
10) Why does the squirrel think it no disgrace to occupy his own place?
Ans:- The squirrel thinks it is no digrace to occupy his own place because every individual has the right and importance
 to live peacefully.
11) What doesn't the squirrel deny?
Ans:- The squirrel doesn’t deny that the mountain is very big and it can carry  forests on its back and can make a very pretty squirrel track.
12) Who can crack a nut?
Ans:- The squirrel can crack a nut.
13) What must be taken together to make a year and sphere?
Ans:- All sorts of things and weather must be taken together to make up a year and a sphere.   
14) Who is not 'half so spry'?
Ans:- The mountain is not 'half so spry'.
15) Mention two qualities of the mountain? 
Ans:- Two qualities of mountain are-
i) A mountain can make a very pretty squirrel track.
ii) A mountain can carry forests on its back.
16) "All is well and wisely put"- What is the meaning of the quoted line?
Ans:- The meaning of the quoted line is every objects and creatures of this earth has their own importance and they are wisely putvin this earth by God.
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  1. Thanks for help us😊

  2. It's not enough question?. ��������

    1. We will update some more questions.. Keep following us

  3. What must be taken together and why?

  4. What do you mean by "spry" and "disgrace".

    1. 'Spry' means full of life and energy. Here 'Spry' is used to compare between mountain and squirrel. Mountain is not enough energetic like the squirrel. So, the uses the word here.

  5. Replies
    1. 'Disgrace' means loss of reputation or respect. Here the poet uses the word to explain that we should never feel inferior to others. There is no reason to feel ashamed of one's contribution to earth, however small it may be.

  6. What is the confesstion of the squirrel

    1. The squirrel confesses that he is not so large as the mountain and also he can not carry forests on his back.

  7. How the bun replied??
    Wisely or proudly?

  8. mention two qualities of the mountain fable


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