Home Literature
Class 9
Mark Twain
Tom Loses a Tooth
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Solution of the exercises of "Tom Loses a Tooth" by Mark Twain.
Exercise 1:
Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:
1) Tom felt miserable on the mornings of ---- b) Monday.
2) If Aunt Polly was to know that Tom had a loose tooth, she would---- c) surely pull it out.
3) Tom drew his sore toe from under the---- a) sheet.
4) Did flew down the stairs to call----
d) aunt Polly.
5) The thread that Mary got aunt Polly was made of---- c) silk.
Exercise 2:
Answer the following questions within fifteen words:
1) Which one of Tom's tooth had come loose?
Ans. One of Tom's upper front teeth was loose.
2) How are Did and Mary related to Tom?
Ans. Did is Tom's brother and Mary is his cousin sister.
3) Why did Tom ask Sid not to stir him?
Ans. Tom asked Sid not to stir him because he was pretending that it had been very hurtful for him , and even this pain could kill him.
4) Why did Tom pretend his toe was paining?
Ans. On the Monday morning, Tom felt that he did not want to go to school and he was pretending that his toe was paining, so that aunt Polly allowed him not to go to school.
Exercise 3:
Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:
1)What did Tom remember hearing from a doctor?
Ans. Tom remembered hearing from a doctor that a certain ailment could lay up a patient for three days and make him lose a finger.
2) How did Aunt Polly react to the news that Tom was dying?
Ans. At first, aunt Polly was surprised, but within a very short time, she understood everything and called it "rubbish". She knew very well that everything was done by him only for not going to school.
3) How was Tom's loose tooth taken out?
Ans. Aunt Polly ordered Mary to get her a silk thread. Then Aunt Polly fastened one end of the silk thread to Tom's tooth and the other end to the bed-post. She then pulled the thread and his tooth came out and was hanging by the bed-post.
Exercise 4:
Do as directed:
a) Rafique was running fast.(change into an Interrogative sentence)
= Was Rafique running fast?
b) The boy would never forget the exciting incident.(change into an exclamatory sentence)
= The boy would always remember the exciting incident.
c) We had a wonderful time last evening.(change into an exclamatory sentence)
= How wonderful the time was at the last evening!
d) He loves to play football.(change into an interrogative sentence)
= Does he love to play football?
e) Rina tried all her plans.(change into a negative sentence)
= Rina didn't leave any plan untried.
f) Shut the door, Robin.(change into an assertive sentence)
= Robin is ordered to shut the door.
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