Suggestive important questions and answers for WBSSC English from 'One Day I Wrote Her Name'.

 One Day I Wrote Her Name

Edmund Spencer

Selected Questions and Answers for WBSSC English ( H/ PG) aspirants from 'One Day I Wrote Her Name'.

1) To what sonnet sequence does the poem belong?

Ans:- Spenser's sonnet 'One Day I Wrote Her Name' belongs to the famous sonnet sequence 'Amoretti'. Based on the conventional Elizabethan sonnet form, the series relates Spenser's love affair with Elizabeth Boyle.

2)  What is the chief argument in Spencer's Sonnet ?

Ans:- Spenser's chief argument is that as his pactury ives it will give life to things he has created. Above all poetry will immortalize his beloved and his love as he celebrates and records them in his verse.

3) Where do you find this Sonnet ? What is its serial number ? And what is the rhyme scheme used here?

Ans:- This sonnet occurs in Spenser's immortal sonnet sequence 'Amoretti' which means love or amor. In the serial of 'Amoretti', 'One Day' stands in 75th position. The rhyme scheme used here is a peculiar one. It is ab ab bcbc in octave and cdcd ee in the sestet.

4) What is the central theme of the poem?

Ans:-  The central theme of Spenser's sonnet 'One Day I Wrote Her Name' is love and the effort of the poet to preserve both his love and his beloved in a mortal world. Thus even though his beloved is sceptical and does not buy his ruse, the poet is
confident that his verse would stand the test of time and bestow immortality on both the poet and his beloved.

5)"But came tide ...... His prey" - What is the implication of this line ?

 Ans:- The lover poet to eternalise his love wanted to write his beloved's name on the strand. But, the seá waves came and wiped it out. But the poet is in no mood to give up his attempts. As a result, he wrote the name with a second effort. Naturally, the same event took place again and the name
was removed. Here, the poet wants to mean that all the mortal things and efforts are subject to death and destruction which none can escape. So according to him, ideal love is the only way to defeat all the adverse situations in life.

6) How would you analyse the argumentative pattern of spenser's sonnet ?

Ans. Though divided into three quartrains and a concluding complete the poem has a sharp argumentative division. In the first eight lines there is a problem, the problem of immortalizing the beauty and fame of the lady love. The next six lines resolve the problem. The poet asserts that he will immortalize his lady love through his verse.

7) "Vayne man said she that doest in vain assay" -Explain

Ans:- This line from Spenser's sonnet 'One Day I Wrote Her Name' presents the rebuke of the poet's beloved at his efforts. The first word 'vayne' means that the poet has become vain and full of pride or vanity which makes him do foolish things. The second word 'vain' means futile expressing the futile effort of the poet at writing the name of the beloved.

8) How does the poet want to immortalise the love between himself and his beloved ? "To die..your glorious name." -explain the line.
Ans:- Firstly, the lover poet wants to immortalise his love with his lady by writing her name on the strand. But twice his attempts were proved as futile. The lady-love also ridiculed at this. Therefore, the poet thinks that he will make his beloved ever glorious by writing verse where her eternal virtues and fame will be shown. The poet also thinks that poetry which is an immortal art will make their love eternal.

9)  How does Spenser assert the power of his poetry ?

Ans. Spenser tells his lady-love that his poetry will make the name of his beloved eternal and will renew their love in afterlife. He, therefore, asserts that his poetry is immortal and has power to live beyond life. This was a cómmon Elizabethan theme particularly in the sonnets.

10) "Our love shall liue...Renew" -Explain.

Ans:- The lover poet frantically  wants to immortalise his love by writing his beloved's name on the strand. But it is washed away by sea-tide and the lady-love makes the lover aware of the transitoriness  of the earthly things. So the poet changes his idea and wants to write it eternally
in lines of verse. He is of the view that they will die but there love story will reign and people will find pleasure in it. In this way, the lofty ideals of their love- making will be handed over to the people of consequent generation when they themselves will be no more in this world.

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