Suggestive important questions and answers for WBSSC English from 'Loving In Truth'
Philip Sidney
Selected Questions and Answers for WBSSC English ( H/ PG) aspirants from Loving in Truth.
1)What is the central theme of the poem? Is the poem a love poem?
Ans:- The central theme of Sidney's poem Loving in Truth' is love with the poet expressing his desire of writing poetry so as to wi pity and grace. To write such a poem, he initially looks to copy others, but later realizes that all the inspiration he needs is in his heart and he is able to express a lovers intimate feelings and emotion.
2) What type of a poem is Sidney's poem? What is a Petrarchan sonnet?
Ans:- Sidney's poem 'Loving in Truth' is cast in the mould of a typical Petrarchan sonnet of 14 lines and is divisible into the octave and the sestet. While the octave presents the efforts of the poet at writing poetry, the sestet narrates his failure and subsequent revelation.
4) What is implication of the Muse's advice to Sidney ?
Ans. The Muse's advice to Sidney to look into his heart for words
indicates the triumph of the inspiratorial theory of poetry. Poetry is born out of inspiration. It is not a product imitiation. Its spontaneous and natural source is the human heart, the receptacle of all emotions, feelings and thoughts.
5) Why did Sidney turn to other poets ?
Ans. Sidney found himself stifled to express his pain in verse. He
wanted expressions and words that did not come to him spontaneously. So he turned to the words of other poets so that he might borrow their words to express himself.
6) Whose 'feet' is referred to as strangers by the poet?
Ans:- In Sidney's poem Loving in Truth, the poet using a pun on the word feet explains that both others poems and the metrical feet of their poems are nothing but strangers to him and are inefective to quell his creative urge.
7) "Invention, nature's child, fled step-dame Study's blows"- Comment on the line.
Ans. Poetic invention is the child of Nature while study is taken to be the step-mother of the poetic invention. As a child runs away from the command of his step-mother. poetic invention tries to escape from the authority of painstaking study. What Sidney wants to mean through this brilliant analogy in "Loving in Truth" is that the poetic impulse is a
spontaneous urge which comes from within not from without. This very idea evokes Wordsworth's concept of poctry -"Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful
feelings." The personification of "Invention"," Nature" and "Study" is worth mentioning.
8) What is the main objective of the poem? What is the moral of the
Ans:- In Sidney's poem 'Loving
in Truth', all of a sudden there is a revelation. He need not seek works of other to be inspired-his inspiration lay inside him, in his heart. He would only have to look into his heart and write.Thus the main objective of the poem to bring out the importance of the spontaneity of the heart to be the source of all great inspiration in the world- is successful.

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