WBCSSC Syllabus of English ( HONS/PG)
West Bengal Central School Service Commission English Syllabus ( Hons/ PG)
1) Loving in Truth : Philip Sidney
2) Oneday I Wrote Her Name : Edmund Spencer
3) Shall I Compare Thee : William Shakespeare
4) The Good Morrow : John Donne
5) Virtue : George Herbert
6) The Rape of the Lock ( Cantos I&II) : Alexander Pope
7) The Tyger, The Lamb : William Blake
8) Tintern Abbey : William Wordsworth
9) Christabel, Kubla Khan : S.T. Coleridge
10) Ode to a Nightingale, Ode to Autumn : John Keats
11) Ulysses : Alfred Tennyson
12) My Last Duchess : Robert Browning
13) The Wild Swans at Coole : W.B. Yeats
14) Strange Meeting : Wilfred Owen
15) Hollow Men : T.S. Eliot
1) Macbeth : William Shakespeare
2) She Stoops to Conquer : Goldsmith
3) Arms and the Man : G.B. Shaw
4) Riders to the Sea : J.M. Synge
1) Pride and Prejudice : Jane Austen
2) David Copperfield : Charles Dickens
1) The Lagoon : Joseph Conrad
2) Araby : James Joyce
3) The Lotus Eater : Somerset Maugham
4) The Fly : Katherine Mansfield
1) Dream Children: A Reverie, The Superannuated Man : Charles Lamb
2) Freedom : G.B. Shaw
3) Francis Bacon : Of Studies
Grammar and Usage
1) Common Errors
2) Subject Verb Agreement, Tenses, Active and Passive Voice, Articles, Prepositions, Adverbs, Adjectives
3) Sentence Forms: Simple, Compound, Complex, Joining and Spliting of Sentences
4) Narration: Direct and Indirect
5) Composition
6) A single paragraph of about 50-60 words to be written on a given topic.
7) Literary devices
8) Rhetoric and Prosody
This is the Old Syllabus for WBCSSC English. New Syllabus will be published after Commission's announcement.

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