Questions and Answers from "Govinda's Disciple" by Rabindranath Tagore.
A. 1. 'Hills dark with the woods' means-
a. The hills look dark because of the thick forest.
2. 'scarred with the torrents' means-
a. The hills have cuts made by the flowing river.
3. Why did Govinda throw the gold bangles into the river?
c. To make Raghunath understand the unimportance of wealth.
B. 1. Describe the place where Govinda sat reading the scriptures?
Ans. The place where Govinda was sitting and reading scriptures was very calm and peaceful. He sat on a rock on the shore of the river Ganga. It was flowing very swiftly. Its water is pure and clean. Near the river, there were hills which was dark because of the thick forest. And in the middle of the forest, there were many small streams flowing.
2. What did Raghunath do when Govinda threw the bangles into the river? What does this tell about Raghunath?
Ans. When Govinda threw the bangles into the river, Raghunath within a wink of eye jumped into the river to find it out.
This incident informs us that Raghunath is very materialistic and he does not have any sense spirituality. He loves wealth and money. He wants to show his wealth to his guru.
C. 1. In not more than 60 words, explain the message that Govinda tried to give his disciple by throwing the bangles into the river.
Ans. Govinda as a teacher tried to give his best lesson to his disciple. He wanted to show that when you want to get Salvation or spirituality, you need to be detached from any materialistic things. You should concentrate only on God, not on wealth and money. So, he three the bangles which are used here as a symbol of materialistic pleasure.
