List of important Odes for UGC NET, SET students.
List of Important Odes in English literature
1) An Ode for Ben Jonson- Robert Herrick
2) On Solitude- Abraham Cowley
3) To Vergill, On death of Duke of Wellingtone- Alfred Tennyson
4) An Ode to himself- Ben Jonson
5) Hail Bishop Valentine, A Hymn to God the Father- John Donne
6) Nativity Ode- Milton
7) On Cromwell's Return from Ireland- Andrew Marvell
8) Alexender's feast, Anne Killigreue- John Dryden
9) To Adversity, The Bard, The Progress of Poesey- Thomas Grey
10) To Evenning- William Collins
11) Ocean an Ode- Edward Young
12) Ode to Winter- Thomas Campwell
13) To Napoleon Bonapart, To Thomas More- Lord Byron
14) On Duty, Imitation of Immortality- Wordsworth
15) Dejection an Ode- S.T Coleridge
16) Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode on Indolence, Ode on Melancholy, Ode to a nightingale, and Ode to Psyche- John Keats

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