Notes on Sri Aurobindo for NET, SET, JRF and English literature students.
Sri Aurobindo( 1872- 1950)
>Sri Aurobindo (Aurobindo Ghose) was an Indian nationalist, philosopher, yogi, guru and poet.
>He introduced his visions on human progress and spiritual evolution. He was imprisoned by the British for writing articles against British rule in India.
>His main literary works are "The Life Divine" which deals with theoretical aspects of Integral Yoga Savitri: a Legend and a Symbol an Epic Poem which refers to passage in The Mahabahatra where characters actualize integral yoga in their lives.
>His works also include Philosophy, poetry, translations and commentaries on Vedas, Upnishads and Bhagavad Gita.
>He was nominated for the Noble Prize for literature in 1943 and for Peace Prize in 1950.
> He started a monthly philosophical magazine called “Arya”.
> Letters on Yoga appeared in 3 volumes.
➤ The American philosopher Ken Wilber has called Aurobindo "India's greatest modern philosopher sage".
Important Works of Aurobindo
1) Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol
It is an epic poem in blank verse based upon the theology of Mahabharata.
2) The Life Divine
3) The Synthesis of Yoga
4) Hymus to the Mystic Fire
> Famous Quote by Sri Aurobindo:
"The voice of poetry comes from a region above us, a plane of our being above and beyond our personal intelligence".

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