Notes on Toru Dutta for NET, SET, JRF an English Literature students.

 Toru Dutta ( 1856-1877) 

> Toru Dutt was an Indian poet who wrote in English and French.

> She died at a very young age of 21. She was a poet, novelist and translator. She was born in Calcutta.

> She translated some sonnets of de Cramont and regarded him as one of the best modern French poets. 

> She is considered as the "First English writing women of India".

 > Edmund goose wrote about her that "she brought with her from Europe a store of knowledge that would have sufliced to make an English or French girl seemed learned."

Most important Works of Toru Dutt: 

>Our Casurina Tree

>Tree of life

> The Lotus

> Bougmaree

> France

> Amon Pere  :It is praised world-wide and considered "faultless". 

> Le Journel De Medmoiselle d'Arvers (1879)

*This is the first novel in French by an Indian writer.

* It was published poshtumously.

> Bianca, or the Young Spanish Maiden ( 1879) 

* It is the first novel in English by an Indian writer. 

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