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Noun and Its Classification
Noun and its classification for the basic English Grammar Learner.
Definition of Noun:
A noun is a naming word. It can be that name of a person, a place,a thing, a quality or a state.
We have five kinds of nouns-
1. Proper Noun
2. Common Noun
3. Material Noun
4. Collective Noun
5. Abstract Noun
1. Proper Noun:-
A proper noun is a kind of noun which suggests the name of particular thing, place or person.
Taj Mahal, Ratan, Delhi, Darjeeling etc.
Remember proper noun always starts with a capital letter.
2. Common Noun:-
A common noun is a name given in common to every person, place, thing etc.
book, cup, pen, table, pillow etc.
See, these words do not start with capital letters. They are not suggesting any particular thing or person or object.
Material Noun:-
A material noun is the name of material or substance which things are made of.
Gold, silver, milk, iron, etc.
Collective Noun:-
A collective noun is the name of a group or collection of things.
Family, class, gang, bundle, flock, shoal etc.
Abstract Noun:-
An abstract noun is an abstract idea which we can not see. It is the name of a quality, an action or state or feeling.
Kindness, beauty, honesty, growth, childhood, poverty, happiness etc.
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