Important notes on Post Modern Poet Thomas William Gunn for NET, SET ,JRF, WBPSC Assistant Master and Mistress and literature students.
Thomas William Gunn (1929-2004)
● Gunn grew up in England and later moved to the United States, where he settled in San Francisco. His poetry reflects both British formalism and American freedom.
● Gunn often explored themes of personal freedom, particularly in the context of 1960s counterculture.
● He was an Anglo- American poet.
● His style is logical and economical.
● He has been compared with John Donne.
● As an openly gay poet, he wrote about same-sex love, relationships, and desire.
● Many of his later poems, especially in The Man with Night Sweats (1992), dealt with the AIDS crisis and the loss of friends.
● Some poems explore the tension between aggression and discipline, reflecting his interest in motorcycle gangs and street life.
Important works
1) Fighting Terms(1954)
2) The sense of Movement (1957)
3) My Sad Captains (1961)
4) Touch ( 1967)
5) Molly (1971)
6) The Passage of Joy (1982)
7) The Man with the Night Sweats (1992)
8) Boss Cupid (2000)

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