Important notes on Sophocles for NET, SET ,JRF, WBPSC Assistant Master and Mistress and literature students.
Sophocles(497-406 BC)
● Sophocles was one of the greatest playwrights of ancient Greece and a central figure in the development of Greek tragedy. Along with Aeschylus and Euripides, he is one of the three great tragedians whose works have survived. His contributions to drama significantly influenced the evolution of Western theater.
● According to Aristotle, Sophocles is responsible forr introducing the Thind actor to the Greek stage.
● Sophocles wrote 123 plays during the course of his life but only seven have survived in completed form, They are:
1) Ajax:-
2) Antigone:-
3) The Women of Trachis
4) Oedipus the King:-
5) Electra:-
6) Philoctetes
7) Oedipus at Colonus:-
The informations given here are very useful to the aspirants of NET, SET ,JRF, WBPSC Assistant Master and Mistress and literature students.