Showing posts with label Post Modern Writers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Post Modern Writers. Show all posts

Important notes on Post Modern Poet Ted Hughes for NET, SET ,JRF, WBPSC Assistant Master and Mistress and literature students.

 Ted Hughes(1930-1998) 

☆ He was an English Poet.

☆ He was impressed with Yorkshire's local language and traditional oral literature.

☆ He became the poet laureate in 1984.

☆ Hughes is widely regarded as one of the most important poets of the 20th century, noted for his powerful imagery and exploration of the natural and mythical worlds.

Important Works:- 

1) The Hawk in the Rain (1957) : This early collection established Hughes's reputation, showcasing his ability to capture the raw power of nature through striking imagery and dynamic verse.

2) Wood Wo (1967)  

3) Lupercal (1960) 

4) Crow ( 1972) : One of his most influential works, "Crow" reimagines creation and the nature of evil through a mythic narrative voice. The collection’s dark, allegorical tone explores themes of destruction, regeneration, and the cyclical nature of life.

5) Birthday Letter (1998) 

6) The Thought Fox

7) The Bull Moses.

8) Hawk Roosting

9) Crow Wakes (1971) 

10) Eat Crow(1972) 

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Important notes on Post Modern Poet Seamus Heaney for NET, SET ,JRF, WBPSC Assistant Master and Mistress and literature students.

 Seamus Heaney (1939-2013) 

☆ Seamus Heaney was an Irish poet, playwright, and translator.

☆ He is considered one of the greatest poets of the 20th century.

☆ He won nobel prize in 1995.

☆ He was the writer of the modern version of "Beowulf".

☆ Heaney joined the circle of Ulster (Belfast) poets in 1960s, which included Philip Hobbsbaum, Derek Mahon, Paul Muldoon, James Simmons, Frank Ormsby and Michael Foley known as 'The Group'.

Important Works:- 

1) Death of a Naturalist (1966) : First major collection; drawn from childhood experiences and environments.

2) Door into the Dark (1969): The title 'Door into the Dark', points to Heaney's belief that poems emerge from what he called ' the buried life of the feelings'.

3) Wintering out(1972) 

4) North(1975) 

5) Field Work ( 1979) 

6) Sweeney Astray (1983) 

7) Station Island (1984)

8) The Haw Lantern (1987) 

9)  Seeing Things (1991) 

10) The Spirit Level (1996)

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