Important notes on Aeschylus for NET, SET ,JRF, WBPSC Assistant Master and Mistress and literature students.

 Aeschylus ( 523-456 BC)

> Aeschylus is called as "The Father of Tragedy"

> He was an ancient Greek Tragedian.

> Only seven out of 70-90 plays survived.These seven tragedies are: - 

1) "The Persians" (472 BC) 

2) "Seven Against Thebes (472 BC)

3) "The Suppliants" (463 BC)

4)"Orestia " Trilogy 

5) "Prometheus Bound"(authorship is disputed) 

> Orestia trilogy consists of three tragedies: "Agamemnon", "The Libation Bearers" and "The Eumenides" , this trilogy depicts the bloody story of the family of Agamemnon, King of Argos.

> Among his plays "Prometheus Bound" is very much disputed. Some critics believes that it was written by his son Euphorion.

> The contemporary events and useful source of information about his period is found in the play "The Persians ".

The informations  given here are very useful to the aspirants of NET, SET ,JRF, WBPSC Assistant Master and Mistress  and literature students.

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